
About me

Newly graduated software engineer.
Living in Madrid.
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Along my degree I've used a lot of languages, here are them, ordered by my experience.

  1. Java.
  2. HTML, CSS, Javascript (Express.js, Node, JQuery).
  3. C/C++.
  4. SQL.
  5. R.
  6. UML. (Class, sequence, activity, E-R diagrams...)
  7. Bash.
  8. A little bit of ARM assembly.

Studied fields

Below is a list of all the fields where I developed my projects.

  1. Software designing & modeling (popular design patterns).
  2. Algorithms design (graphs, backtracking, divide and conquer, trees...)
  3. Web applications.
  4. Mobile devices programming (Android, Apache Cordova).
  5. Artificial intelligence & machine learning.
  6. Big data & data mining.
  7. Software projects management.
  8. GPUs programming (OpenCL, OpenACC, CUDA).
  9. Hardware fundamentals.
  10. Basic business management.